36 Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment 2022 Apply 174 Tradesman, Fireman
Ammunition Depot Recruitment 2022
Government of India, Ministry of Defence, 36 Field Ammunition Depot Pin – 900484, C/o 56 APO invites applications from eligible Indian Nationals for recruitment of following positions.
36 Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment 2022 of 174 MTS, Tradesman, Fireman and LDC posts
Name of the Post |
No of Vacancies |
Tradesman Mate |
150 |
Material Assistant |
03 |
Lower Division Clerk (LDC) |
03 |
Fireman |
14 |
MTS (Gardener) |
02 |
MTS (Messenger) |
01 |
Draughtsman |
01 |
36 Field Ammunition Depot Age Limit:
18 to 25 years for all posts except for the post of Material Assistant.
36 Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment Salary:
Tradesman Mate: ₹ 18000/- per month
Material Assistant: ₹ 29200/- per month
Lower Division Clerk (LDC): ₹ 19900/- per month
Fireman: ₹ 19900/- per month
MTS (Gardener): ₹ 18000/- per month
MTS (Messenger): ₹ 18000/- per month
Draughtsman: ₹ 25500/- per month
36 Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment Eligibility Criteria:
Material Assistant: Graduate (Bachelor’s Degree) in any discipline OR Diploma in Material Manager or Diploma in Engineering in any discipline.
Lower Division Clerk (LDC): Matric with 12th class Pass or equivalent.
Fireman / MTS: Matriculation or equivalent qualification from a recognized board.
Draughtsman: Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board. 02 years Diploma in Draughtsmanship (Civil) from any ITI or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
36 Field Ammunition Depot Jobs Selection Process:
Written Test
Physical Test for Tradesmen Mate and Fireman posts.
36 Field Ammunition Depot Exam Syllabus:
Subject |
No of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
General Intelligence and Reasoning |
25 |
25 |
Numerical Aptitude |
25 |
25 |
General English |
50 |
50 |
General Awareness |
50 |
50 |
How to Apply 36 Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment?
Eligible Candidates apply in prescribed application format. Completed applications along with self attested photo-copies of documents / certificates addressed to:-
The Commandant
36 Field Ammunition Depot
C/o 56 APO
through Ordinary Post / Registered Post / Speed Post. The Candidates are requested to superscribe the words “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF __________” on the top of envelope while sending the application form. The Last date for receipt of application is 21 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News (i.e. Last date will be 16/06/2022).
notification and application form https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vXv7HfHiqzEHlw3VQqpQ_0CEeDaI4pbe/view?usp=sharing